Pathologist On-Call
Specimens that are submitted fresh or for frozen section should only be taken from hospital or surgery center locations where a pathologist is available on call. To contact the on-call pathologist nearest your location, call 970-212-0530.
Please follow the following procedure at the appropriate facility:
North Colorado Medical Center
FIRST call 970-350-6400 (NCMC Lab Customer Service)
If no immediate answer, call Summit Pathology 970-212-0530
If no immediate answer, page the pathologist on call 970-212-0530
McKee Medical Center
FIRST call 970-635-4163 (McKee Pathology Customer Service)
If no immediate answer, call 970-635-4133 (McKee Main Laboratory)
If no immediate answer, call Summit Pathology 970-212-0530
If no immediate answer, page the pathologist on call 970-212-0530
Medical Center of the Rockies
FIRST call 970-624-2088 (MCR Gross Room)
If no immediate answer, page the pathologist on call 970-212-0530
Poudre Valley Hospital
FIRST call 970-495-8740, option 1 (PVH pathology)
If no immediate answer, page the pathologist on call 970-212-0530
Cheyenne Regional Medical Center
Call Summit Cheyenne at 307-634-9238 during business hours ONLY to schedule
Estes Park Medical Center
Call Summit Pathology at 970-212-0530 during business hours ONLY to schedule
East Morgan County Hospital
Call Summit Pathology at 970-212-0530 during business hours ONLY to schedule
Sterling Regional Medical Center
Call 970-521-3156 (SRMC pathology office) during business hours ONLY to schedule
Colorado Plains Medical Center
Call Summit Pathology at 970-212-0530 during business hours ONLY to schedule
Ivinson Memorial Hospital
FIRST call 307-755-4433 (IMH gross room)
If no immediate answer, call 307-755-4440, IMH main lab
If no immediate answer call pathologist on call 970-212-0530
North Colorado Medical Center
FIRST call 970-350-6400 (NCMC Lab Customer Service)
If no immediate answer, page the pathologist on call 970-212-0530
McKee Medical Center
FIRST call 970-635-4133 (McKee Main Laboratory)
If no immediate answer, page the pathologist on call 970-212-0530
Medical Center of the Rockies
Page the pathologist on call 970-212-0530
Poudre Valley Hospital
Page the pathologist on call 970-212-0530
Cheyenne Regional Medical Center
Page the pathologist on call 970-212-0530